Thursday, December 26, 2019

The purpose of this paper is not to teach you, or to show...

The purpose of this paper is not to teach you, or to show you how interpersonal communication is essential to everyday life at home or work. But, I am going to do my best to at least show you how essential communication skills are in all areas of life by using me as the example. My plan is to focus on some of the elements of interpersonal communication that we have been touching on this semester. While reading our Interpersonal Communications Book, three goals kept being highlighted that I personally wanted to accomplish by the end of course. I’m sure that by now have noticed that I keep referring to my topics as goals. The reason why I’m doing so is because I’m still on that learning curve†¦an ongoing process. If can recall back to all†¦show more content†¦In our Interpersonal Communication Book, thirteenth edition, it states â€Å"listening involves a collection of skills: attention and concentration (receiving), learning (understanding), memo ry (remembering), critical thinking (evaluation), and competence in giving feedback (responding)† (p. 85). Listening can go wrong at any of these stages. This is where our week 2 journal entry came in handy. Part of the question that was asked was to describe examples of how you listen to help, to learn, to influence, or to play. Before answering the question, I had through of myself as pretty good listener. But, a few weeks later when reading it again I realized that I was lacking in my skills. Here was my original answer: â€Å"When listening, I truly make an effort to listen to one and all. I don’t know how to listen differently. When I am listening to help, I have to make sure that I understand the situation by providing feedback. The last thing that I want to do is hurt someone just because I didn’t take a moment to understand the situation. When it comes to learning, I don’t like to simple rely on my listening skills. I am a big advocate of usi ng as many senses as possible during this process. As for the listening to influence and to play, I approach both of them in the same manner. You have to know and understand what is going on before to start providing any type of guidance.† It’s not that it’s an awful answer but, I did notice that I only addressed one of the stages. IShow MoreRelatedImpact Of Technology On Society s Social Life1409 Words   |  6 Pagestechnological advances and the growth of its use has caused on many occasions this so-called technology. Although it is true that the use of this technology on many occasions it helps many people to be in contact with those who are far away. 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