Friday, January 3, 2020

Writing Style in The Awakening Essay - 990 Words

Writing Style in The Awakening In her novel The Awakening, Kate Chopin is an artist who paints a picture for the reader with every word:The sun was low in the west, and the breeze was soft and languorous that came up from the south, charged with the seductive odor of the sea. (12) The inclusion of such alluring and dramatic images allows the reader to see, hear, feel, smell, and live in the scene which she creates. Chopin writes to awaken the senses, and her style is one of beauty and uniqueness. As if stroking a brush across a canvas, or playing a chord on the piano, Chopin’s use of expressive, descriptive, and poignant writing is evident throughout the novel, thus adding to its overall effect. Chopin incorporates a†¦show more content†¦It was a flaming torch that kindled desire. (83) Chopin does not simply write about a small kiss exchanged between Arobin and Edna, she expresses the passion and significance of their moment together as being a flaming torch. She later describes the heartfelt professions of love between Robert and Edna, enthralling the reader’s mind: He kissed her with a degree of passion which had not before entered into his caress, and strained her to him. ‘I love you,’ she whispered. .... Oh! I have suffered, suffered! Now you are here we shall love each other, my Robert. We shall be everything to each other. Nothing else in the world is of any consequence.’ Her seductive voice, together with his great love for her, had enthralled his senses, had deprived him of every impulse but the longing to hold her and keep her. (108-9) Chopin uses powerful adjectives and dynamic images to entice the senses of the reader and enhanc e the effectiveness of the work Chopin beautifies her novel through her many descriptions of scenes and characters: Her beauty was all there, flaming and apparent: the spun-gold hair that comb nor confining pin could restrain; the blue eyes that were like nothing but sapphires; two lips that pouted, that were so red one could only think of cherries or some other delicious crimson fruit in looking at them. (8) Chopin describes Madame Ratignolle using vibrant adjectives and lucid images in order to create a sound picture in the reader’sShow MoreRelatedThe Unique Style Of Kate Chopin s Writing1603 Words   |  7 PagesThe unique style of Kate Chopin’s writing has influenced and paved the way for many female authors. Although not verbally, Kate Chopin aired political and social issues affecting women and challenging the validity of such restrictions through fiction. 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